- PBS washed cells or tissues - Body fluid or supernatant of cultured cell - Tissue or cell homogenate in aqueous buffer solution - Proteins in SDS sample buffer solution prepared for 1D SDS-PAGE
* For oversease shipping of samples, protein extract in SDS sample buffer solution is prefered. This solution could be shipped at room temperature without detectable deterioration in physical and chemical property of popypeptides.

- sample loading: Analytical gels : 50-100 µg protein Semi preparative gels : 200 ug protein
e.g. 1 x106 cultured cells, 1 mg tissue over 300mg for plant tissue
Preparative gels: up to 3 mg protein
e.g. 3~4 x 106 cultured cells, 10 mg tissue
Samples extracted from SDS sample buffers could detect more spots than 2DE lysis solution.